Oft sind es die kleinen Details die den Unterschied machen. Wartungsfreie Federklemmen, unverlierbare Schrauben, oder Leitungen die bei der Montage nicht eingeklemmt werden können. Auf dem Dach kann jeder Handgriff entscheidend sein.
Temperatursensoren gibt es viele. Unser spezieller digitaler Temperatursensor für PV-Anlagen mit geringe Reaktionszeit ist schnell zu montieren. Gehäuse aus eloxiertem Aluminium, selbstklebend beschichtet, mit UV-beständiger Anschlussleitung.
Bewährte Sensoren sind jahrelang am Markt etabliert. Hier wählen wir den Besten für den jeweiligen Einsatzfall.
Status assessment and analysis of network events can only be as good as the available measurement data.
Common-Link offers a wide range of particularly high-performance sensor technology. Some of these are based on in-house developments and patents, and cover special application areas such as string current measurement in PV installations, or the determination of biogas potentials.
Apart from pulse counters, measurement sensors, and optical detectors, Common-Link's portfolio also includes intelligent bus systems and dataloggers. This enables us to acquire and store all measurement data in a compact and secure manner, and transmit them reliably to the connected computing center for subsequent evaluation.
Here is a survey of the most important sensor types:
are used for measuring the effective energy in three-phase networks. We provide 1-phase/2-wire and 3-phase/4-wire versions. This enables the true power and electrical efficiency of a power network or a power generating plant to be determined exactly. These measurement values are especially important for power generating plants using renewable energy, such as solar power.
measure the solar radiation flux density, which provides information e.g. for determining the location and the efficiency of a PV installation. Calibrated measuring cells deliver precise values for total radiation with minimum deviations during the installation's entire service life.
measure barometric pressure, wind speed, or precipitation - important parameters for all outdoor industrial installations and power generating plants.
these sensors are used mainly for measuring the contact surface temperature of PV modules - in addition to air temperature. For example, the measurement indicates whether there is a risk of module output being impaired due to overheating.
in PV installations is particularly convenient and reliable by means of our DC Monitor - an intelligent bus system developed by Common-Link. The DC Monitor measures individual generator currents from photovoltaic arrays.
Hereby, the individual string currents are combined in the integral bus bar, where they are available at the output terminals for feeding into the inverter.
Each DC Monitor has additional measurement inputs for system voltage, plus potential-free inputs for monitoring overvoltage protection devices, fuses, and ambient temperature.
The DC Monitor is available for different PV installation sizes.
are becoming increasingly important. A sensor system specially developed for this purpose by Common-Link is part of a complete test stand. The stand provides reliable data about the potentials in biological compositions of organic and other microorganisms used for gas generation.
for testing breathing regulators used in diving and rescue equipment are also part of our product range. For this, measurement of the work done by the human lung is a decisive measure for the quality and technical condition of the regulator. Manufacturers and dealers of specialized breathing equipment - and divers as well, of course - must rely on the perfect function of the regulators. Also in this sensitive and vital testing activity, Common-Link's sensors are an integral part of regulator test stands, which ensure reliable and established solutions worldwide.